Monday, February 15, 2016

Welcome to Hellbent for Letterbox!

Welcome to the very first episode of Hellbent for Letterbox. This is a new monthly podcast hosted by Michael May and Paxton Holley talking about Westerns. In this episode Michael and Pax introduce themselves and start setting the table for their love of the Western genre including movies, TV shows and books. They also talk about what to expect from this show each month and Michael reveals what movie we'll be reviewing in our next episode.


  1. Hey, I found this podcast a little while ago. I love movies and love westerns. Never found the time to start it, but now that I've finished some podcasts up, I've decided since I have more time now and have been watching a lot of westerns in Social Distancing, now is a perfect time! You'll be hearing from me...

  2. Yay! Thanks, David! I'm glad you found us and hope you enjoy the show.
